53 Years Together... My Home Away from Home ...but Wait!

53 Years Together... My Home Away from Home ...but Wait!

To John, my “home” away from home … but not really. Rather my “home” within our “real Home.”

Since Jesus is our real Home And we both abide/dwell/live in Him right now, we are an earthly refuge, a safe place, a home for each other while we are still in our earthly abode. We are a place where we can be fully ourselves …safely.

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In Sorrow: Redefining Death ... and Life!

In Sorrow: Redefining Death ... and Life!

A wise person thinks a lot about death,
    while a fool thinks only about having a good time.

Ecclesiastes 7:2-4 NLT


The word puts terror in our bones! We know it's coming but we ignore it when we can, and we act like we will live on this earth forever. But then there's the health crisis, the loss of a loved one, the thoughts in the darkness of night, the day-mare or nightmare. And the realization of the truth of where we are all heading (some of us sooner than later) comes sneaking or crashing in. And then we have to face the inevitable or drown it all out with some artificial comfort.

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