“No matter how ordinary a person may be, put God in that person,
and the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
What do rocks, pink balls, and a nap have in common? Each is an ordinary object/event that points to a deeper spiritual truth. Yet we are often blind to the spiritual realities hidden in our every day. GLORY in Disguise: Seeing God in Our Every Day unveils to the reader how God’s presence and life-giving power, His glory, are often hidden in the ordinariness of our lives on this earth.
Each reflection sets up the pattern for the book — a Scripture, followed by a story/illustration from everyday life, leading into scriptural application and encouragement. Each concludes with a poem (written by Penny Mandeville), a prayer, and suggestions for journaling.
Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online sellers
Penny & Jan, friends and authors
Joey Turner, pastor of student ministries, writes in Discipleship Weekly (Patterson Park Church, Dayton, OH)
Glory In Disguise
Last week my family had the privilege of going on vacation. It was great! We played games, swam in a pool, were hosted with great generosity and hospitality from my in-laws, and enjoyed great weather. I always like to take a book that is not something I really have the time to read when not on vacation but want to read. This time, I asked our very own Jan Lloyd if she had a copy of her new book, Glory in Disguise: Seeing God in Our Every Day, for me to read while on vacation. I’ve wanted to read it since it came out.
Glory in Disguise is like reading a pilgrim’s journal. The book is broken up into short stories that exemplify biblical truths from Jan’s own life. Saturated with Scripture and complimented with poems written by her friend Penny Mandeville, each entry reveals the beautiful reality of life with Christ. This book is approachable and edifying for all. It would be a great starting point for any family wanting to establish a family devotional time, or personal devotions, or a discipleship group. The short chapters are accompanied by a written prayer and reflection questions.
As a pastor and a younger brother in Christ to Jan, it was a joy to hear of God’s continued work in her life and to be edified by the ways in which he has uniquely gifted her to build up the church. It made me think of a quote I heard one time, “At any given point God is doing a million things in your life, and you may be aware of one of them.” And it challenged me to consider how God is at work in the everyday moments of my life and the lives of those around me. Glory in Disguise is a heralding cry out to Christians to not miss out on the glory of today by forgetting that Christ is with you. Even if today is filled with business meetings, inconveniences, or dirty diapers, it is a day filled with Glory in Disguise.
I commend to you brothers and sisters to read Glory in Disguise.
Joey Turner
Pastor of Student Ministry
Jan (Author)
Penny (Poet)