50 Years Plus One -- a PS from your "Kick in the Pants"
/PS For our 51st:
This 51st year of our marriage has brought home the memory of our early descriptions of one another.
John, remember how you used to call me. your “kick in the pants”?
And I recognized you as my “tether to the ground”?
So Mobilizer Me married Stabilizer You 51 years ago. What in reality was an asset from the start became one of our greatest struggles. But I feel this year, we have come to some turning points in accepting and appreciating these differences in each other. (Do you?) Why has it taken us so long and why has it been so hard?
Thank you, John Loyd, for sticking it out with me. Thank you for being patient with my impatience. You truly have been my tether to the ground. You have been faithful and true even in my most stressed out moments as I’ve gotten caught up in my mobilizing ways. Thank you for taking a few too many “kicks in the pants.” I’ll love you till my last breath.
And thank you, God, that You never gave up on us. In fact, You are doing in us what we could never do for ourselves — love and accept one another with Your life and love. And through it all You are changing us into Your likeness while we live on this earth. Amen.
Posted November 27, 2021
Dear John Loyd, Thank you for 50 years (now 51) together of “married bliss.”
Fifty years of struggling to learn how to do life together… to care for one another … to throw off the lies we believed about what marriage was all about … like those lies of the extreme views of the total headship of the male and the extreme submission of the female — those lies just about killed the love we started out with, didn’t they?
And then there were those masks we had to shed (and some we still do), trying to be the real person inside. The transparency and vulnerability are still in process.
Then there is God’s sense of humor in putting together an only child (you) with the oldest of 7 (me) — “know it all” you and “boss of the mob” me. Still working on that one, aren’t we?
There’s plenty more but through it all, God has been teaching us, His beloved son and His beloved daughter, how to throw off our prideful self-effort and independent ways and let HIM live through us to His glory…in humility and total dependence on HIM.
So thank you for sticking with it and with me — loving me, being my stabilizer, paying the bills, taking the long drives hither and yon, doing the dishes, and on and on. Truly, I haven’t taken anything for granted. You have been God’s gift to me, our children, and our grandchildren. And I hope I have been that to you, my dear John Loyd!
So here’s to the remaining years we have together — our wedding verse:
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt HIS name TOGETHER
Psalm 34:3 Amen.
Love always
PS For our 51st:
This 51st year of our marriage has brought home the memory of our early descriptions of one another.
John, remember how you used to call me. your “kick in the pants”?
And I recognized you as my “tether to the ground”?
So Mobilizer Me married Stabilizer You 51 years ago. What in reality was an asset from the start became one of our greatest struggles. But I feel this year, we have come to some turning points in accepting and appreciating these differences in each other. (Do you?) Why has it taken us so long and why has it been so hard?
Thank you, John Loyd, for sticking it out with me. Thank you for being patient with my impatience. You truly have been my tether to the ground. You have been faithful and true even in my most stressed out moments as I’ve gotten caught up in my mobilizing ways. Thank you for taking a few too many “kicks in the pants.” I’ll love you till my last breath.
And thank you, God, that You never gave up on us. In fact, You are doing in us what we could never do for ourselves — love and accept one another with Your life and love. And through it all You are changing us into Your likeness while we live on this earth. Amen.
PPS SCROLL down for pictures and other items.
And to see past anniversary blogposts click on these:
49 years — The Devil Hates Marriage— https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/the-devil-hates-marriage-every-year-of-it
48 years — Grow Old along with Me —https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/grow-old-along-with-me?rq=anniversary%20
47 years — Touching Each Other’s Soul— https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/touching-each-others-soul?rq=wedding%20anniversary%20
46 Years — Sandpaper and Polish — https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/sandpaper-polish-reflecting-on-a-46-year-marriage?rq=wedding%20anniversary%20
45 years — Caring & Commitment— https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/theres-something-to-say-for-caring-and-commitment-45-years-with-one-man?rq=wedding%20anniversary%20
44 years — Through the 44 Years: the Best of All — https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/through-the-44-years-the-best-of-all
43 years — 43 Years with the Same Man? — https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/41-years-with-the-same-man-reflections-on-an-enduring-marriage?rq=wedding%20anniversary%20
41 years — John’s Response: theRansom of Red Chief — https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/the-rest-of-the-story-john-replies-to-41-years-with-the-same-man?rq=wedding%20anniversary%20
40 years — Holding Hands for Forty Years — https://www.abranchinthevine.com/blog/holding-hands-for-40-years?rq=wedding%20anniversary%20
But first, “Our” SONG:
My brother Tommy ushering my mom down the aisle
My sister Linda, my Maid of Honor
My “baby” sister Nancy
My college roommates, DeeDee, Gail, & Kathy
My “baby” brother Paul, ring bearer
My Daddy walking his eldest daughter down the aisle
My darling “soon to be” husband John
The rings!
Mr & Mrs John C Loyd and our wedding party — including my dear cousin Peggy (2nd from left) and my dear brothers Conrad (1st from the right) and Billy (4th from the right)
Our “limos,” ready for the departure of the entire wedding party — all VW’s driven by friends with Scripture verses on the back of each vehicle