Revelation 201: "Why do kids raised in Christian homes walk away from the faith?" and other such questions

Send out Thy light and Thy truth
Psalm 43:3

kids & church

Kids who have been raised in Christian homes, and even educated in Christian schools, seem to be "leaving the faith" in surprising numbers.

And maybe there are just as many young people and adults that "stay" but are bored, just going through the motions. 

What is going on? Why is this happening?

I don't claim to be able to even make a dent in the answer. There are many reasons, I'm sure . . . legalism? bitterness? abuse? the world? the flesh? the devil? and on and on. So really, it is only God who can fully answer that question.

But I have come across something recently in my reading that can shed some light on this dilemma (and others like it) and really get at the heart of the problem. But first another question:

What causes the spiritual AHAs that are life changing? 

Here are some thoughts from the book I have been reading:

"The truth is complete in Christ, but the need of our hearts is to have God's light shed on it. Apart from this, there is no revelation. All spiritual experience comes from divine light on eternal truth. Truth preached without light becomes doctrine; with divine light, it becomes revelation. It always comes to us as one or the other." [Watchman Nee]*
the word enlightened

So it really is the difference between knowing doctrine and receiving revelation. Truth by itself is not enough! But truth enlightened by the Holy Spirit brings forth life-changing revelation. 

And oh, how we all need that . . . from children being brought up in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord" to adults who have gotten caught up in performance-driven, exhausting Christian-to do lists to everyone in between.

And so we pray:

Send forth Your light and Your Truth, O God. We are helpless to make the truth come alive in anyone, much less ourselves. Soften our hearts! We need "the Light of the glory of God in the face of Christ." Enable us thus to experience that "Treasure in [our]earthen vessel," the indwelling Christ in our broken humanness. (2 Cor 4:6-7)

And we long for all of that for our loved one _____________________. We know You do too. Move upon their minds and hearts with your life-giving Light, so that they might be enraptured by Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. ( John 14:6)



*as quoted in DeVern Fromke, Ultimate Intention, p. 172

For a great article on parenting and unbelieving children, click here: