Waiting...on Whom?



Are you "playing the game" that's no fun at all?  The WAITING game? Are you waiting for a goal to be accomplished?

Are you waiting for your kids (or one child in particular) to "get it"? Or maybe another family member or friend to "get it." (Whatever the "it" may be)

Are you waiting to lose those last 5 or 10 pounds...season after bathing suit season?

Are you waiting for the pain to go away...whether emotional or physical?

Are you waiting to "get your act together" so God will love you more and really use you?

Are you waiting through the "long good-bye" for a loved one to be taken home to Jesus and be relieved of their suffering?

Waiting! Waiting! Waiting!  We are all waiting for something.  And it seems that God knows that waiting is very profitable for us!

But maybe in the waiting, we are asking the wrong questions:

...not WHAT? What is happening? ...not WHY? Why is this happening...and to me? ...not HOW? How can I get this moving again? ...not WHEN? When will the waiting ever end? ...not WHERE? Where can I run to get away from it all?

No!  Not what, why, how, when, where!  Rather WHO!  Yes, WHO! Who is the One upon whom we wait?

WHO is the One in control of this seeming mess! WHO is at work even when I can't see it? WHO meets us in the chaos, in even a more tangible way than in the control?



Yes, GOD! Father, Son, Holy Spirit! Triune! Almighty! Infinitely Loving!

The Father who is very fond of His sons and daughters...His kids...unconditionally! The Son who paid our way into His kingdom, sits enthroned and interceding, and now indwells each of His own! The Spirit who birthed us into His family and empowers us to live by His indwelling life...and even to wait!

So what are you waiting for this day, this month, this year?* Might the better question be, "WHO are you waiting on?"*

Wait on the Lord, dear friend!

Waiting! Yes, patiently waiting! Till next steps made plain shall be; To hear, with the inner hearing, The Voice that will call for me.

Waiting! Yes, hopefully waiting! With hope that need not grow dim; The Master is pledged to guide me, And my eyes are unto Him.

Waiting! Expectantly waiting! Perhaps it may be today The Master will quickly open The gate to my future way.

Waiting! Yes, waiting! still waiting! I know, though I’ve waited long, That, while He withholds His purpose, His waiting cannot be wrong.

Waiting! Yes, waiting! still waiting! The Master will not be late: He knoweth that I am waiting For Him to unlatch the gate.

by J. Danson Smith

*Feel free to share your "waiting" insights and struggles.  You will be prayed for!