....giving me two significant verses to hang onto: Phil 1:6 and Isaiah 26:3-4 ...my neighbor Nancy and my friend Penny dropping everything early in their day to play and pray with our two young grandsons who had slept over so I could follow after the ambulance to the hospital ...a Christian male nurse grabbing both our hands and praying with us just after John arrived in the ICU ...my being able to watch my husband "chatting it up" with the medical personnel, showing forth the loving Jesus who lives within him ...our son Jeremy and daughter-in-law Cortney driving 7 hours and ending their 10 year anniversary trip early to be here ...our daughter Beth in California and my friend Maria, after a long day at work, each calling the night I needed to "unlock some frozen tears." ...and of course, many loving family and friends sending timely messages via facebook, texts, emails, calls, and visits (Thank you so much!)
As if all this love wasn't enough, I've experienced the Lord's "winks" this week -- little delightful "serendipidies" proving that He is here and He cares -- namely through a poem and a song.
I've never been much of a "poetry buff"...just never got it until I lived life a little more. Now I get it! The poem that "captured me" was hidden at the end of a novel I was struggling for months to finish! Now I know why I struggled so long...God's timing! I needed that poem this week :) And I'll let it speak for itself:
Paul Laurence Dunbar
A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in,
A minute to smile and an hour to weep in,
A pint of joy to a peck of trouble,
And never a laugh but the moans come double;
And that is life!
A crust and a corner that love makes precious,
With a smile to warm and the tears to refresh us;
And joy seems sweeter when cares come after,
And a moan is the finest of foils for laughter;
And that is life!
Then there's the song. A few weeks ago, a friend told us about a movie she had just seen on Netflix. John and I watched and enjoyed it. But the thing that stayed with us most was the theme song. We just couldn't get it out of our minds -- the melody was so haunting and romantic. So we found it and ordered it on Amazon.