Fall Book Club...starting soon

Fall Book Club...starting soon

Are you tired of working hard doing the Christian life — the "to do/don't do" lists (which vary depending on the group you are with)? Are you ready to give up trying in your own strength to get the "abundant life" Jesus promised? John 10:10

Great!  Then you are ready to read along with us the potentially life-changing truths contained in...

The Rest of the Gospel: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out,
by Dan Stone and David Gregory.

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Jesus is the Way...the Means...and the End

Jesus is the Way...the Means...and the End

For years in my Christian walk, I asked God again and again for peace, love, forgiveness, power, ability, etc. I read all the Christian "how-to books" and listened to the Christian "how-to sermons" and messages...on Christian radio, in church, conferences and seminars...anywhere and everywhere. I began jumping on (and off) the latest "Christian bandwagon."

Then I came to the end of my trying. My health was breaking and I declared, "I give up!"  It was then that the Holy Spirit illumined my mind and heart to realize that all those things I sought were a PERSON who loved me...my Lord Jesus Christ!

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Revisiting my "Words" ... wanting them to find me afresh!

Revisiting my "Words" ... wanting them to find me afresh!

I'm weary and blank. The death of a friend, new health issues arising, aging making itself felt, even good things piling up beyond energy levels, desires to do too much and then paying for it ... all of it. So I'm revisiting my "words" of recent years. And I'm especially parking on this year's word "REST." Journey along with me?

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A New Word for 2018... my word found me!

A New Word for 2018... my word found me!

...Now what about this year 2018? Well, my Word found me.

In the midst of some long-lasting, deep grief from life circumstances and relationships, my blood pressure has shot up again. It had been low and totally good for months and months. It was in the midst of this broken mess that my word came. I wasn't even looking for it.


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Christ in Me is Everything I Need

Christ in Me is Everything I Needlyrics by David Bolton

Christ in me is everything I need

Christ in me is all the Father seeks

He’s my Truth, my Righteousness

My Wisdom, and my Peace

He’s my Life, my Holiness

My Hope of Glory

For all He is

He is in me

And I am now complete

For Christ in me is all I’ll ever need

Thanks to a dear brother, David Bolton, for permission to reprint this beautiful lyrical response to our all sufficient, indwelling Christ. Explore David's Christ-exalting website/blog at www.christcenteredchristianity.com

Knowing CHRIST...not methods or doctines or power

“The characteristic of Christianity lies in the fact that its source, depth, and riches are involved with the knowledge of God’s Son. It matters not how much we know of methods or doctrines or power. What really matters is the knowledge of the Son of God. Knowing God’s Son is the way, knowing God’s Son is the truth, and knowing God’s Son is the life. Our power comes from knowing His Son. All that God gives to us is His Son, not a lot of things. Hence the whole question lies in knowing God’s Son.” (Chap. 1, Pg. 8) “We have briefly mentioned how all spiritual things are in Christ. God has given Him to us to be all these things. This is a most essential point of understanding in spiritual life. Is our experience mere experience or is it Christ? Is our righteousness simply righteousness or is it Christ? Is our sanctification only sanctification or is it Christ? Is our redemption merely redemption or is it Christ?

Frequently we talk about the way, but that way may not be Christ himself. In like manner, we can speak of truth and of life without necessarily speaking of Christ. In brief, we have many things outside of Christ. This constitutes a formidable spiritual problem to God’s children. We may confess with our mouth that Christ is the center of all things, nevertheless in our lives we have many matters other than Christ, as if these can help us to be Christians. How we need to have our mind renewed so as to understand that aside from Christ God has no intention for us to have many so-called spiritual things. According to God’s arrangement, there are things; only, these things are Christ. For Christ is the sum of all spiritual things. Christ is our righteousness—He has not given us a righteousness. Christ is our sanctification—He has not granted us a thing called power to make us holy. Christ is our redemption—He has not offered us a redemption. Christ is the way—He has not opened to us another way in which to walk. Christ is the truth—He has not presented some truth before us for us to understand. Christ is the life—He has not conferred on us a thing called life.

“Brothers and sisters, as we travel along God’s course, we will discover more and more that of all God’s grace there is only one grace, of all God’s gifts there is only one gift. That grace is Christ, that gift is also Christ. Thank God, day after day He is showing us how Christ is all-inclusive.” (Chap. 3, page 37-38)

Excerpt From “Christ the Sum of All Spiritual Things” – by Watchman Nee

Thanks to a dear brother, David Bolton, for permission to reprint this excerpt. Explore his Christ exalting website/blog at www.christcenteredchristianity.com

Tomorrow, we will explore some Scriptures that expound these glorious truths. Again, we come to rest in the glorious fact that...

JESUS + nothing = Everything

Jesus is the Way...the Means...and the End

Jesus is the Way...the Means...and the End

For years in my Christian walk, I asked God again and again for peace, love, forgiveness, power, ability, etc. I read all the Christian "how-to books" and listened to the Christian "how-to sermons" and messages...on Christian radio, in church, conferences and seminars...anywhere and everywhere. I began jumping on (and off) the latest "Christian bandwagon."

Then I came to the end of my trying. My health was breaking and I declared, "I give up!"  It was then that the Holy Spirit illumined my mind and heart to realize that all those things I sought were a PERSON who loved me...my Lord Jesus Christ!

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Fall Book Club...starting soon!

Summer Book Club, rest of the gospel

Are you tired of working hard doing the Christian "to do/don't do" lists (which vary depending on the group you are with)? Are you ready to give up trying in your own strength to get the "abundant life" Jesus promised? John 10:10

Great!  Then you are ready to read along with us the potentially life-changing truths contained in...

The Rest of the Gospel: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out, by Dan Stone and David Gregory.

Here's a short description of the book:

Having God's forgiveness is wonderful. Spending eternity with God is great. But for now, where is the abundant life Jesus promised? Why is the Christian life such a struggle? Because getting forgiven is only half of the gospel! The rest of the gospel is not us striving on our own to be good Christians, but Christ in us, living His life through us as we rest in him..

So get your book (available in paperback and on kindle) and start reading. Soon I'll begin posting study questions, key verses, thoughts, songs, prayers, who knows what else.  And as always, please feel free to jump in with your thoughts, questions, verses, etc in the comment section.

Still not sure you want to read with us? Then take a look --

The Rest of the Gospel, summer book club

For excerpts from our book, click on the title below or the icon on the left:

The Rest of the Gospel, by Dan Stone

Discover as never before that Zoelife (eternal and abundant) is yours right NOW...in Christ alone!

So get your book, subscribe to this blog (on the right), and get ready for our discussion here on line later this week.

My "Need-Meeter"...and "Icing on the Cake"

For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority. Colossians 2:9-10 ESV

Jesus is my Need-Meeter!

When I don't remember that, I get myself into lots of trouble.  I start expecting people -- husband, adult children, grandsons, friends, relatives, students -- to fill me up!

I expect the things I do to satisfy me to the nth degree...my teaching, my writing, even my "spiritual activities" like Bible study, prayer, meditation, etc.

If I look at anything or anyone as the meeter of my needs, I'll come up empty and hollow of soul.


When I keep in view the Lover of my soul...the MEETER of my NEEDS, my beautiful LORD JESUS CHRIST...I experience the fullness that is in Him!  And I can afford to pour myself out for others, because it's HIM that's poured out through me, His vessel!

So I repeat...

Jesus is my Need-Meeter!

And If Jesus is my Need-Meeter, everything else is just icing on the cake!

In fact, even the icing on the cake is HIM!  All is Gift because HE's my Source!  Everyone and everything else is off the hook!

...Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit... John 7:37-39 ESV

Findings in the Files: Himself



Several years back I discovered a wonderful little poem quoted in a book I was reading. I tried to find out the background of this poem on-line.  Wow, did I hit the "jackpot" when I came across the sermon connected to this little treasure! So enjoy this little finding in my file, and then click on the link to read the entire sermon.  May Christ be praised!

  HIMSELF By: A. B. Simpson

Once it was the blessing, Now it is the Lord; Once it was the feeling, Now it is His Word. Once His gifts I wanted, Now the Giver own; Once I sought for healing, Now Himself alone.

Once 'twas painful trying, Now 'tis perfect trust; Once a half salvation, Now the uttermost. Once 'twas ceaseless holding, Now He holds me fast; Once 'twas constant drifting, Now my anchor's cast.

Once 'twas busy planning, Now 'tis trustful prayer; Once 'twas anxious caring, Now He has the care. Once 'twas what I wanted Now what Jesus says; Once 'twas constant asking, Now 'tis ceaseless praise.

Once it was my working, His it hence shall be; Once I tried to use Him, Now He uses me. Once the power I wanted, Now the Mighty One; Once for self I labored, Now for Him alone.

Once I hoped in Jesus, Now I know He's mine; Once my lamps were dying, Now they brightly shine. Once for death I waited, Now His coming hail; And my hopes are anchored Safe within the vail.


 A.B. Simpson's sermon Himself.



COMING SOON: Fall Book Club

Coming later in September...a study in a truly life-changing book:  The Rest of the Gospel: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out, by Dan Stone and David Gregory.

Having God's forgiveness is wonderful. Spending eternity with God is great. But for now, where is the abundant life Jesus promised? Why is the Christian life such a struggle? Because getting forgiven is only half of the gospel! The rest of the gospel is not us striving on our own to be good Christians, but Christ in us, living His life through us as we rest in him.

Get your book, subscribe to this blog, and get ready for our "discussion" here on line in a few weeks.

If you live in the Dayton, Ohio area and would like to join a live discussion group, contact me for details.