Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love;Where there is injury, pardon;Where there is doubt, faith;Where there is despair, hope;Where there is darkness, light;Where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seekTo be consoled as to console,To be understood as to understand,To be loved as to love;For it is in giving that we receive;It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
[prayer of St Francis of Assisi]
Yes, Lord!
I am renewed afresh to let You be You in and through me in this world! Amen.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
(author unknown*)
Jesus said,
“I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 ESV
[*Several people are associated with this proverbial saying, notably John F. Kennedy. It was first spoken in public by Peter Benenson, the English lawyer and founder of Amnesty International, at a Human Rights Day ceremony on 10th December 1961. The candle circled by barbed wire has since become the society's emblem.]