Coming Soon: a Winter Bible Study in Hebrews

Hoping for Something Better

Hoping for Something Better

Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, our Savior is better…better than “to do list” religion, better than the most eloquent spiritual leader, better than the Christian “band-wagons” we hop on and off of, better than anything we may try to add to HIM to feel alive and experience hope, peace, and rest! Join us as we explore the letter to the Hebrews to see afresh that JESUS is God’s everything…God’s BEST!

We will be using Nancy Guthrie's excellent book Hoping for Something Better.  Get your book by following this link.

So order your book, grab your Bible, and start reading through the book of Hebrews.  Get ready for an exciting adventure that may very well just change your entire worldview.

Beginning on January 18th and continuing for 11 weeks...a great way to stave off the winter doldrums!

For more info on the book, go to the author's website.

