Romance: Loving Jesus in Song

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore, I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Jeremiah 31:3 ESV

When my husband John and I were seniors at the University of Arizona, the Carpenters were at the top of the music charts.   We embraced them as “our group” who sang “our songs” as we were "a-courting."  Their mellow sound and rich melodies fed our romantic feelings toward each other and toward life in general.

At our wedding, we danced to, you may have guessed it, “We’ve Only Just Begun.” Lyrics like "White lace and promises, a kiss for luck and we're on our way" made it the perfect song to start our new marriage. Or so we thought. But years have rolled by and reality has set in.  We have come to realize only an Almighty God could fulfill those unrealistic expectations.

The wonderful thing is with growth in Christ we learn to let our mate "off the hook.” We let go of those expectations. So our spouse can be human and not so god-like. We learn to forgive and then receive everything as a free gift. We recognize God as our ultimate Source of life and love.

But what about all those love songs?  Lest you think me cynical and jaded, I have to say they are valid within reason.  But there came a time in my life, when I began to really listen to the words.  It was then I realized the only One I could honestly sing them to is my Lord Jesus, the perfect Son of God.

And the song that opened my eyes to that truth was a favorite of ours, “I Won’t Last a Day Without You.” Here is the chorus to that heart-grabbing song.

When there's no getting over that rainbow
When my smallest of dreams won't come true
I can take all the madness the world has to give
But I won't last a day without you.

The only One we can never live without is our Lord. Loved ones, including spouses, are gifts. But we will lose them through death or life changes. The Lover of our Soul will never leave us. He never changes. He is the Only One who can see us through.

Your Love

There’s a hunger inside me I’ve tried to fulfill
By pleasing the world and by doing its will.

I’ve filled up with food and with lovely possessions 
And relationships in which I’ve made unhealthy concessions.

I’ve tried to please others to be accepted by them
To the point I’ve lost track of just who I am.

Eventually I recognize the futility of my delusion
And with Your help, Lord,  I have come to the conclusion

That there’s only one love that makes me feel whole
One love that can satisfy my spirit and soul.

It’s Your love that You willingly pour out on me
Because You love me absolutely unconditionally.
           Penny Mandeville

I love YOU, my Father.
I love YOU, my Jesus.
I love YOU, my Spirit of Life.

1. The song that gave me that first "aha" moment many years ago was “I Won’t Last a Day Without You.” Would you like to join me in singing it from the heart to the Lover of your soul and mine? Listen closely to the lyrics and sing it to your loving God.

2. Here are some other love songs to sing to the Lover of your soul:

“Through the Years,” Kenny Rogers

Through the years, you've never let me down
You turned my life around, the sweetest days I've found
I've found with you... Through the years
I've never been afraid, I've loved the life we've made
And I'm so glad I've stayed, right here with you
Through the years.

“Annie’s Song,” Travis Cottrell 

You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again.

What’s your favorite love song? Sing it to the Lover of your Soul.
Loving Jesus will heal your soul.

3. Read through the Bible’s songbooks, the Psalms and the Song of Solomon. Copy into your journal the loving lyrics of the biblical writers that grab your heart. Then as you feel moved, write or sing some of your own psalms of love and praise to God.

4. Set a timer or use a “Pause App” to remind you to stop and say “I love You” to your Lord Jesus, the Lover of your Soul.

***An entry from our new book of meditations, GLORY in DISGUISE: Seeing God in our Every Day. Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Cover cleverly crafted by Jeremy Loyd