My Safe Harbor: Living My Life in God

I am the Gate.
Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—
will freely go in and out, and find pasture.
…I came so they can have real and eternal life,
more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
John 10:9-10 NLT

On the last day of our time at the Jersey Shore, the inlet was calling to me. I thought back to the years when my mom and I would grab our beach chairs, drive down to the inlet, place ourselves along the rocks lining the waterway and wait for the horn to blow. The unique sound of the horn signals the opening of the bridge for the party fishing boats, making their way from the harbor to the sea.

A brother or two might be on one of those party boats, back in the day. But alas! not today. And my mom was now with my fish-loving Dad in heaven. So it was just John and me this time.

So there we were on those same rocks, along the same waterway, timing it exactly right. The distinctive horn sounds the opening of the bridge. With anticipation or disappointment, walkers and drivers heed the signal… the bridge over the Shark River Inlet is opening. Why? The big party fishing boats are leaving the safety of the harbor to venture into the “great unknown” of the day’s fishing excursion. Hopes high. Excitement all around. The beginning of a new day and a new try for a great catch.

Shark river inlet, belmar nj

Belmar bridge opening

First several small, private boats sneak through.

Then it’s time for the fishing party boats. One by one they leave the safe harbor after the hopeful fishermen buy their passes and climb aboard.

A few of the fishermen catch sight of spectators along the rocks and begin to wave. Several of us are already waving, sending them best wishes for success in their catch.

S.S. golden Eagle

s.s. ocean explorer

s.s. captain cal ii

s.s. miss belmar

And then a final boat or two and the whistle sounds. The bridge comes back down. Pedestrians and traffic over the bridge return to normal.

This same scenario would be repeated later in the day, as the party fishing boats return to their safe harbor. Will there be excitement over the catch or will hopes be dashed? Who knows what the day will bring?

As I was reflecting on this everyday occurrence at the Jersey Shore, this Scripture came to mind:

I am the Gate [Inlet].
Anyone who goes through me will be cared for —
will freely go in and out, and find pasture
[Ok, a bit of applicational “poetic license.”]

What does “go in and out” in this passage mean? Here is what I found:

Going out referred to a man's leaving home in the morning to labor and coming in referred to his returning home after work.
Throughout all the activities of the day, the believer could be confident of the Lord's presence and protection. (

I’ve been doing some exploring about attachment and bonding. In one webinar I attended, it was pointed out that when a person has a “secure base” relationally, they can confidently “explore and launch out” into their world and come back again to their secure place.

O brothers and sisters, isn’t our Lord God, Jesus Christ that Secure Place to us? He is our Safe Haven, our Secure Base, our Harbor of Safety. And He doesn’t just send us out … no! We go in and out and all around, with and in and through Him. And He Himself is with and in and through us!

We can go in and out and all-around in our life as HE leads us. We are in union with HIM and wherever we go, He goes.

We are safe and secure in Him no matter what our days may bring.

Alison Krauss and Union Station

In This World I Walk Alone
With No Place To Call My Home
But There’s One Who Holds My Hand
On The Rugged Road Through Barren Lands

The Way Is Dark, The Road Is Steep
But He’s Become My Eyes To See
Strength To Climb, My Grief To Bear
The Savior Lives Inside Me There 

In Your Love I Find Release
Haven from My Unbelief
Take My Life And Let Me Be
A Living Prayer, My God To Thee

Through These Trials Of Life I Find
Another Voice Inside My Mind
It Comforts Me And Bids Me Live
Inside The Love The Father Gives

In Your Love I Find Release
Haven from My Unbelief
Take My Life And Let Me Be
A Living Prayer, My God To Thee

Take My Life and Let Me Be
A Living Prayer, My God To Thee

Songwriter: Ron Block