Knowing the God Who LOVES You and Cares even about the "Unnecessaries" of Life

The big things aren’t too big for God’s power
the little things aren’t too little for His LOVE!*

Do you ever feel like nobody cares about you and all the in’s and out’s of your little life? And that includes God… maybe especially God. He’s too busy keeping the world spinning to care about your everyday stuff.

But God does care . . even about your little, mundane, unnecessary stuff. I’d like to tell you about a time when I learned this in a surprising way.

Years ago, John and I were married students, living in the married students’ dorm at Moody Bible Institute. One of the best things about living in the dorm was that I didn’t have to do the cooking. Every breakfast, lunch, and supper, beautifully prepared, delicious food was waiting for us. We would just go through the line and make our choices, sit with our classmates in the dining hall, enjoy the food and fellowship, and then go our merry (or not so merry) way to class or wherever — no clean-up! And there was a bonus at breakfast — fruit was available to bring back to our rooms for a healthy snack later on.

Well, one week we invited a couple from our church to come to our “dorm apartment” on a Friday evening. We wanted to get to know them. Our menu? Chocolate fondue.

Earlier in the week, I took inventory to see if I had everything I needed on hand …

  • fondue pot, CHECK!

  • chocolate sauce, CHECK!

  • angel food cake, cut in chunks,CHECK!

  • marshmallows, CHECK!

But wait! Wouldn’t bananas be perfect with chocolate fondue?

Bananas weren’t necessary. But the more I thought about it, I couldn’t help but think they would be a perfect addition.

But alas! No time to go to the supermarket (too far and too busy studying). What about fruit from breakfast? Not a chance — bananas weren’t anything we ever had. Only apples and oranges were available.

So just at the point of giving up, I hesitatingly talked to the Lord about bananas.

“LORD, I know this would be totally off the menu, but could You do bananas tomorrow morning at breakfast?”

I was hopeful, but doubtful, at the same time.

Early that next morning (Friday, I might add), we went down to the entrance of the dining hall. I was almost afraid to look. But there they were, in all their yellow, crescent-shaped glory — beautiful bananas perched on top of the regular bowl of apples and oranges!

I almost cried and shouted at the same time.

“O Father God, You care about my need . . . no, my DESIRE for bananas. Just because You LOVE me!”

So that Friday evening, I joyfully celebrated the amazing, lavish, unnecessary LOVE of my God for me, His much-loved beyond exception child of His.

What about you, dear sibling in the family of God? Do you realize how lavishly loved you are by your Father God. And yes, He even cares about delighting you in even unnecessary ways to show His tenderness.

O God, how extravagant your love toward your children. How amazing Your tenderness and nurturing care! Keep us from the blindness of thinking that “You owe us,” so that we can continually receive from YOU your joy-filled unexpected and unnecessary gifts, big and small, day by day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

*maybe DL Moody?

Can I briefly tell you one more story?

Over the years, we have gone to the Cove in Asheville, NC. for Bible conferences. Dr Wayne Barber was one of our favorites, and so for several years we went for his conference. If you are familiar with Wayne, you know that he was not only an amazing expositor of the Word, but also extremely pastoral in his application and care for his audience. He shared his own life in his personal stories and application … with such humor and transparency, that you couldn’t help but feel a part of his life and ministry.

And every year, Wayne would start out his conferences by telling the audience that the Cove was his favorite place on earth, and he and his wife wanted to retire there.

The year leading up to the last time Wayne taught at the Cove, he had been diagnosed with a debilitating illness. But Wayne came to teach anyway, along with his son who shared the pulpit. Even though Wayne couldn’t do much teaching that weekend, he received something totally unexpected and unnecessary, but lovingly lavish from his Father God. In the middle of his last night of the weekend at the Cove, Wayne Barber received his heart’s desire … he fell asleep and “retired” into the glory of His Father there in that very beloved place.

Well done, my good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of your Lord!”


Does that move you as it does me, my friend?

Wayne Barber, beloved son of His Father God received his heart’s desire as an unnecessary gift.

What are YOUR stories of God’s unnecessary extravagance? We would love to hear them. And we will join you to rejoice in our tenderly loving Father God. Why not share below . . .