God Loves Coffee and Coffee-Drinkers

I’m a coffee drinker. Many of us East Coast natives grew up watching our parents sip the brew every evening after supper. There was no Starbucks back then, but in NJ we did have Dunkin Donuts L-O-N-G before it ever crept into the Midwest.

So I’ve been a coffee drinker for decades. I can blame it on my East Coast heritage. But what’s there to blame? It has been my tradition, especially in the morning.

Most mornings, mug in hand, I’m downstairs in my prayer chair, sitting with God, maybe journaling, maybe not; maybe reading, maybe not.

Many mornings, along with the dog-walkers, I might be out walking, mug in hand, sipping my brew. Other mornings, I’m just out walking, singing my favorite morning song to my favorite person, Jesus.

Yesterday, was the latter. Coffee was made in my Mr Coffee at home on my counter top, and I was just walking with Jesus, enjoying His company (and I think He was enjoying mine also).

As I passed the swimming pool, I noticed my neighbor Jim. Now Jim’s wife Gloria faithfully and artistically adorns our condo complex flower beds and pool area. And Jim faithfully waters and trims and cleans around the amazing hanging baskets and bowls of Gloria’s creations.

Jim & I usually wave “hi” and maybe exchange a few pleasantries in passing. But yesterday was different. As I walked past Jim in the gated pool area, a voice in my mind,

“Offer Jim a cup of coffee.”

I walked on past my condo,

“Offer Jim a cup of coffee.” A bit more insistent.

Really, is that YOU?

“Offer Jim a cup of coffee.”

It must be HIM, the Voice, but if not, no loss…I have disposable cups and lids on hand and coffee made.

So back to the pool area,

“Jim, would you like a cup of coffee?”

“Oh that would be nice, thank you.”

“What do you take in it?”

“Just cream.”

So back to my kitchen to the breakfast blend coffee, freshly made in my Mr Coffee. I poured hot coffee into the disposable cup with just the right amount (I hope) of cream added. Lid securely on top and out the door.

“O thank you, Jan.
Our coffee pot just broke, and I needed to return a part to get a replacement. This hits the spot.”

Jim and Gloria’s coffee pot was broken!

So Jim hadn’t had his morning brew.

Jesus knew that. And He cared about Jim and his “need” for his morning cup.

So God moved His daughter to “offer Jim a cup of coffee.” And by His grace and indwelling life, I responded.

Knowing that Jim and Gloria are God-lovers, I just had to tell Jim the story about how God was so insistent…He cared that Jim hadn’t had his morning coffee.

“Jesus and Jan brought you your morning coffee today, Jim.”

So Jim spent some time sharing about how God spoke to him in his family, and I did the same— chatting about how God speaks and works in the lives and families of His children.

What a glorious morning!

O Jesus, I love when You do that.
Thank You that I didn’t push through
and ignore what YOU were saying and directing.

Nothing is too great for His almighty Power.
Nothing is too small for His Love.
Corrie ten Boom