A New Word for the Year ... a renewed confidence for each day!

Have you heard of choosing a word for your year? Several years ago, there were some well known authors who encouraged the practice. But to tell you the truth, no matter what I chose, it wouldn't "stick." I had to work too hard to remember it and why I even chose it in the first place.

Until last year, 2016! Bingo!

Bingo! because actually I didn't choose it. God did! I just received it.

And it was a beautiful word that I clung to every day and journaled it and watched it played out as each day came to a close. My beautiful, wonderful word warmed my soul:

Unfolding Fullness!

And I saw the fullness of my indwelling Christ unfold day by day. (You can read my story right here). So I didn't want to necessarily change it for 2017.

But one day, God changed it. Or maybe He rather focused that unfolding fullness for me. This is how it happened.

The word came at the very end of 2016, while we were traveling for the holidays. I woke up in the middle of the night with intense anxiety gripping my soul. All of a sudden the familiar feelings of inadequacy and inability were overwhelming me as the the thoughts of new and old commitments in 2017 came flooding into my mind. I was feeling as if everything had to be done in one day and of course I would fail! The lie again.

But then the Holy Spirit spoke His word of truth to my soul...my word for 2017:

Daily Bread! 

Oh yes, Jesus, You are always so perfect ... so timely!

You are the Bread come down from heaven!
You are the Bread of Life!
You are my Manna for each day ... no more, no less!

Thank you for Your life giving "rhema" for my soul, my Daily Bread:

Your Fullness will unfold in my life day by day in just the right portion and just the right timing and in just the right way. You are amazing! 

Dear friends, 

Do you have a word or two that just won't let you go? Maybe that's your word for 2017. Ask the Lord about it.

Then receive it, journal it, and be amazed by it as I have been by mine.

And I would love to hear about your word if you would like to share it in the comments below. Also, please "stay tuned" as I continue to reflect on my Daily Bread. 

With blessings for the new year
