Holes in my Soul: Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Holes in my Soul: Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Do you ever feel like there are holes in your soul? I do. In fact, right now I feel a bit like a piece of Swiss cheese. And I don't mean "baby swiss." No, the real holes kind.

The interesting thing is that nothing bad is going on right now in my life. It's all good stuff! But the constancy of the schedule with a newborn (darling first granddaughter!), a two year old (energetic boy, I might add!), two older boys (awesome, each one!), plus sleep deprived young parents (getting ready for a military move next month, I might add), and two aged, also sleep-deprived, grandparents (John & me!) has been hard and delightful at the same time. But to be honest, we adults are all living "on the edge" of something (I just drew a blank as to what).

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A Morning Message -- Not a Victim of Circumstance

A Morning Message -- Not a Victim of Circumstance

Mug of coffee in hand, I walk out into the early morning air, ready to commune with my Lord as I walk the circuitous path outside my home.

No one is stirring so I quietly sing my prayer-filled greeting to the Lover of my soul:

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart. . .

But today, there is a decision to be made, and we don’t know which way to go. So in the presence of my Lord, I’m thinking and praying as I walk along.

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My Prayer Chair

My Prayer Chair

I’m anticipating a meaningful addition to my “quiet place of reflection” deep down in the recesses of our home. It is a birthday gift, not to be hung until my mid June birthday.

But in preparation for the treasure of a gift, I have been thinking of this special place where I meet with God most mornings. My soul is still quiet before the hustle of my busyness intrudes upon the solitude.

Can I take you with me, dear reader, to visit my special place that embraces my “all-my-own” chair I have come to call my “Prayer chair”?

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A Project for This Pandemic and Beyond: Remembering Stones

A Project for This Pandemic and Beyond: Remembering Stones

By this time in our “sequester” of sorts, we may be getting a bit bored. Things are beginning to open up, but maybe you are still cautious or going slowly out into “the unknown.”

Why not consider using some of your time on a project which can prove valuable for yourself and even for your children and grandchildren in years to come. What I am suggesting is to begin writing about your faith journey.

When I started writing mine, I remember thinking, “Oh how I wish my godly grandmother (“Babci”) and my godly mother had kept a journal or had written of their journey with God through the trials of life.”

But alas, they had not. And it was most likely not possible for them in their situations. But it was possible for me, so I began.

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Behind the Mask to the Real . . . Pressing into 1 John 4

Behind the Mask to the Real . . . Pressing into 1 John 4

Each of us is a real person behind the masks we wear. Some of those masks are self-imposed to protect us from “being exposed” for who we are. They portray a false self.

But then there are other “masks” that are “good” in the sense they are rightful or necessary or “just are.” I say “masks” because they still can, in a sense, hide the real person inside. I’m thinking of the roles we have in life: mother, teacher, athlete, sister, wife, pastor, etc.

And I just realized something — our bodies can serve as masks…physical beauty or lack thereof, aging, physical handicaps etc. And here is a shocker. . .

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"Removing our Masks" in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into Psalm 139

"Removing our Masks" in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into Psalm 139

“Masks or no masks” has become a big controversial deal these days. But there are masks that have been a bigger deal than we have realized all along in most of our lives. They are the metaphorical “masks” that we humans tend to don, to hide who we really are from others….

But I have been thinking now of “masks” of a different sort… these "good “masks” can also tend to keep others from discovering the real me deep down inside. They are the masks of the “roles” I rightfully have in life. We are most often seen by others in our roles and maybe in no other way….

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Loving and Being Loved in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into Philippians 2

Loving and Being Loved in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into Philippians 2

I recently read somewhere on social media that we shouldn’t wear face masks during this pandemic because we are made in the image of God and His image is reflected in our faces.


True, it is hard to recognize someone if the bottom half of their face is covered. But I’ve been thinking about this lately . . .

“The eyes are the window of the soul,. . .

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Getting a Grip in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into 1 Peter 5

Getting a Grip in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into 1 Peter 5

Brothers and sisters, we all need to get a grip! Our God owes us nothing! Absolutely zip! As Americans, as His children, as ____________ (you fill in the blank with whatever you may think you are entitled to).

All is pure gift! Absolute grace! Amazingly unconditional love!

And He certainly doesn’t consider us Americans (because we are Americans) to be exempt from sacrifice and suffering. He doesn’t say we can call all our own shots because we are the land of the free, in contrast to the rest of the world.

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Waiting Eagerly in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into Romans 8

Waiting Eagerly in this Pandemic . . . Pressing into Romans 8

It seems that we are all waiting these days, doesn’t it? What are you waiting for, my friend, . . . maybe even waiting eagerly?

Stores and restaurants to open? Jobs to call you back in? Hospitals and nursing homes to allow visitors? Schools to reopen? Playgrounds? Pools? Churches? Beaches? State Parks?

I’m waiting eagerly. NO! I’m chomping at the bit, to be able to drive two states over to be with my military “babies.” I’m waiting to be able to grab hold of my “babies,” young and old, near (here in Dayton) and far (there in Illinois), and hug and squeeze them. And I’ll bet you have loved ones that you are dying to grab hold of and HUG too.

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The Emptying of Motherhood -- Alone? On Mothers' Day?

The Emptying of Motherhood -- Alone? On Mothers' Day?

Motherhood is filled with emptyings -- from the emptying of the womb in childbirth to the emptying of self in child-raising to the emptying of the nest, the ultimate goal. The stripping is hard, every step along the way.

And eventually, it may mean being alone on the day when moms have always been lauded and honored. This happened to me early on in the empty-nesting process. It could have shattered me were it not for my Abba Father's loving gifts to this hurting mama.

Now in this pandemic, it may be an emptying that was totally unexpected.

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Vineyard Tour Stop #6 -- Ah! the Harvest...All About Love, Always Is

Vineyard Tour Stop #6 -- Ah! the Harvest...All About Love, Always Is

Ah! the harvest! The reason the Vineyard exists!

When our daughter and family lived in southern California, I was able to observe grape vineyards in all major stages of growth -- from pruning to blooming with green fruit and leaves and finally to the harvest of ripe fruit followed by early stages of the "dying" process. All of this to begin again the Cycle of Life!

I love the metaphor of the Vine & the Branches in John 15! It encourages me in my FAITH . . .

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Vineyard Tour Stop #5: Growth in the Vineyard -- Extending Grace to Ourselves and Others

Vineyard Tour Stop #5: Growth in the Vineyard -- Extending Grace to Ourselves and Others

One year, I celebrated my June birthday with my daughter and family in California. To my delight, Beth took me to my vineyard for lunch at the lovely restaurant there.

On the way to the Temecula vineyard area, I was amazed to see how the former ruthlessly pruned vines were now covered with lush green leaves. You may remember those stark vines from a previous post.

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Vineyard Tour Stop #4: Fruit Killers in the Vineyard-- Jealousy and Her Cousins

Vineyard Tour Stop #4: Fruit Killers in the Vineyard-- Jealousy and Her Cousins

… But there are hindrances to the fruit-bearing process.  One of the biggest "blockers" to unique fruit-bearing is jealousy...and related evils, like comparison and competition, one-up-man-ship, expectations, holding offenses, and the like.  All of these will kill the fruit the Lord wants to produce in our lives.

Think about it! If we are always comparing ourselves to "other branches," we have our attention off of the Lord and what He may be doing in and through our lives. What a waste of precious time and energy...much less spiritual fruit!

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Vineyard Tour Stop #3 -- The Father's Pruning: Stripped Bare? Why me?

Vineyard Tour Stop #3 -- The Father's Pruning: Stripped Bare?  Why me?

I am the true Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Every branch in Me...that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.
John 15:1, 2

From what I understand, important to the process of growing grapes is pruning the vine. Now I am definitely not a gardener! So if I have ever pruned anything, I've done a very wimpy job of it. So I was shocked a few years ago when we visited a vineyard in Temecula Valley, CA.

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Vineyard Tour Stop #2 -- Job Descriptions: Who Does What in the Father's Vineyard

Vineyard Tour Stop #2 -- Job Descriptions: Who Does What in the Father's Vineyard

By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.John 15:8

Have you ever started a job with no job description? I have, and it's pretty confusing.

Years ago, I was looking for a part-time teaching job. A friend asked if I would like to apply to substitute teach in ESL & GED classes. I told her that I didn't have a clue about either one of those. She assured me that it wasn't difficult. All I had to do was follow the teacher's lesson plans. So I naively applied.

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Vineyard Tour Stop #1 -- The True Vine: Tell Us about Your Name

Vineyard Tour Stop #1 -- The True Vine: Tell Us about Your Name

I AM the True Vine... John 15:1

“Tell us about your name…”

That was the opening “ice-breaker” at a teacher in-service I attended a few years ago. I was glad for that topic, because I have an interesting name. In fact, each of my names (even including my married name) has something unique about it.

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A "Virtual" Pandemic Tour -- Welcome to the Vineyard

A "Virtual" Pandemic Tour -- Welcome to the Vineyard

I would venture to say that many, if not most, Americans like to travel — even if it is just across state lines for a day or to the neighboring town for a change of pace. And it seems that though the current quarantine has halted it all, folks have found ways to travel.

How? By taking to their computers and other devices to do “virtual tours” of museums, zoos, famous landmarks, parks, and vacation spots. In fact, there are so many choices that it is mind boggling where technology can usher us.

Well, I woke up this morning realizing that I can offer a bit of a “virtual tour” right here at A Branch in the Vine. This “tour” is one of the first I had “offered” way back in 2011 when I launched A Branch in the Vine.

So let’s take a trip to the Vineyard . . . but not just to any vineyard . . .

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Abiding Today in this time of Quarantine and Every Today

Abiding Today in this time of Quarantine and Every Today

Abiding, dwelling, sinking down deep … living IN HIM Who lives IN ME! That’s what this hidden time is all about, isn’t it?

We don’t know for how long or when it will end. But we do have an amazing opportunity right now to learn in our experience what it means to abide … whether in quarantine or in our everyday TODAY.

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Fruitful Hibernation: Reflections by Kathy Godwin

Fruitful Hibernation: Reflections by Kathy Godwin

Hibernation! It is for bears, bumblebees, hedgehogs, ground squirrels, bats, turtles, woodchucks, and a few other animals. But we humans do not hibernate very well!

We are all learning and experiencing much during this mandated hibernation. Our experiences and emotions vary – some are entertaining or teaching lively, restless children or some are struggling with loneliness, some the frustration of trying to work from home with many distractions or all the above and more!

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