Suffering . . . Never Punishment
/Everyone suffers.
You may be suffering right now, or you have recently suffered, or you may soon suffer. But for a child of God, suffering is NEVER punishment!
Jesus was punished for us!
Read MoreEveryone suffers.
You may be suffering right now, or you have recently suffered, or you may soon suffer. But for a child of God, suffering is NEVER punishment!
Jesus was punished for us!
Read MoreThis is scary. This is hard. But I have Jesus!
I was on my way to the hospital to pick up a CD and written report on my CT scan done several days ago. Something suspicious had showed up in a previous test. I wanted to find out, but I didn't want to know.
Walking from the parking lot, I sensed the Holy Spirit give me my "Jesus Prayer."
Read MoreSurely goodness and steadfast love shall follow me all the days of my life... Psalm 23:8
Bloody! Cutting! Unrelenting! and Soul-numbing...or is it?
For me, pain has a way of sifting through the non-essentials of life!
And I find my soul awakened abruptly from its numbing slumber to longing, loss, grief, confusion, perspective...
...but most importantly, the presence of GOD.
Read MoreYesterday was amazing!
Who knew that a trip to Dunkin’ Donuts would feed more than my body. It would feed my soul!
We were on our way to do a “Backyard DD Brunch” with our son and family. So of course we pulled into the drive thru of my favorite coffee place, Dunkin Donuts in Kettering.
The line circled around the entire building and then some, but not to worry. Those people know what they are doing — efficient service, good food, yummy donuts and muffins, and great coffee … and speedy.
So prepared with my drive through order, I spoke it loud and clear:
I posted this back in March. I need this again. Do you? Read these Scriptures aloud. Let them wash over your soul. Listen to the song … the words … the imagery … the truth.
And be still and know HE is GOD, and HE is what we need in the midst of the upheaval and discord and confusion and ungodly attitudes all around us. And may the mind of Christ have sway in us His sons and daughters! Amen….
…When in the deepest of troubles...when there is no consolation or comfort...go to the sacred place where you and the Lord live together and nothing can touch...the place of union with our God through Jesus Christ by faith (Colossians 2:9-10 ESV)...and rest in Him who rests in you (John 17:20-23 ESV)!
Hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 17:8b
Read MoreIn the midst of this pandemic … and all the controversy it has spawned. Yes, among Christians too. Now more than ever, we need HIM!!!!!!
… my indwelling Lord Jesus Christ is my All in All! He is the Father's Ultimate Gift to else, no-thing more!
Jesus + Nothing = Everything
Read MoreFor the last six months or so, I have been leading a small group of maturing sisters in the Lord. We call ourselves “Branches,” from the metaphor Jesus uses of Himself and His people in the gospel of John, chapter 15 — “I am the Vine; you are the branches.”
Our unifying theme is “living from our union with Christ.” We all long to understand and experience the freedom and fullness of our indwelling Lord Jesus through His Holy Spirit living in us and through us as us. And so we study and share and pray with and for each other.
In the course of our meetings and discussions, I was moved to write the following email. Maybe you would like to “eavesdrop” and read our mail. Feel free to jump in and respond. We can learn from each other.
Also be sure to check out our reading list and related blogs.
Read MoreSunrises are always serendipities -- not that we don't expect them and not that they don't always come, but we never know what we will get. Each one is different, and each one is a gift from the hand of our Creator! Maybe the gift part is more true than we realize, because each sunrise signals a new day. And really, none of us is promised that day ahead of time...pure grace when it comes!
Read MoreI'm at my "Happy Place," the Jersey Shore. It took the whole summer to get here this year, but it was so worth the wait.
I am never disappointed at the beach. I see and hear and feel and smell and even taste God here in a unique way. The vastness of the ocean and the littleness of me on the shore help to correct my perspective about God and my life. And the sunrise over the ocean speaks with new messages every day.
These mornings here at sunrise in Belmar, I have been arrested by an awesome observation.
Read MoreSince my mom moved to the beach in New Jersey many years ago, I've been able to spend the early morning hours on the beach.
Now I am basically an intuitive, rather than sensory person (a la Myers-Briggs). But I've found over the years that my senses come alive at the beach.
Read MoreFor several years before my mom went to Jesus, I spent lots of precious time with her on the coast in New Jersey. One of the highlights had always been my early morning walks along the beach at sunrise.
Since the summer is coming to an end, school is gearing up with all its uncertainties, and we are staying put in Ohio, I’m returning to this blog that I wrote after a sweet summer with my mom at my sister's house in Belmar.
Maybe you too need some peaceful reflection today. Why not join me as I "go down the shore" and enjoy the glory of our great Creator in pictures (my own), Scriptures and song.
Blessings, my friend.
Read MoreWe are remaining in OHIO this summer…canceling our upcoming week on Long Beach Island at the Jersey Shore because of a 14 day mandated quarantine. So I’m revisiting my many ocean sunrise posts.
Join me as I reminisce and experience the immensity and beauty of our ever fresh and new God of Creation:
Read MoreYears ago, when our family was gong through a cancer health crisis, I read a book on alternative cancer therapies. It was a good book, but the best and most memorable part of the book to me was the introduction by Dr Patch Adams. You may remember the movie about this doc played by Robin Williams.
In the intro, the real Patch Adams said something I will never forget. He said, “Live while you’re alive.” He said probably for most of us it takes a life-threatening crisis like a cancer diagnosis to realize the preciousness as well as the brevity of life. It is then that people really begin to grab hold of each day as the gift it is.
Read MoreI was searching around in my blog the other day, looking for this post. Though I wrote it five years ago, I think it applies not only for that time, but also for today . . . and actually every today of my life. It preaches to me (the author) to never lose sight of the present reality of my God in my very real today.
If I just lost you with that last statement, why not keep on reading.
This is where I chose to live. How about you?
Read MoreIt was mid-March 2019, and I had developed a skin irritation that was intensely itchy with a burning sensation. This, of course, was made worse by clothing that constantly touched it. Most may not give the matter much thought. Just call the doctor and take the given prescription. But no, not me. I’d had this type of irritation before.
The first time was during a bout of clinical depression which developed after the birth of my fourth child. The irritation wasn’t an actual rash although it came with severe anxiety as I obsessed over it. Through treatment for depression and anxiety, the “rash” disappeared….
Read MoreThis day in July 2020 is our reality. It is part of the journey God has ordained for each of us.
If we are believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may we live it out from our union with Christ. He lives in us, and we have the mind of Christ. Let us live with His indwelling attitude.
First posted in May 2020. But I fear we need this reminder again:
Read MoreBrothers and sisters, we all need to get a grip! Our God owes us nothing! Absolutely zip! As Americans, as His children, as ____________ (whatever you may think entitles you).
All is pure gift! Absolute grace! Amazingly unconditional love!
LORD, who knew but YOU … that the boxes of cards and notes, received and randomly saved over years, actually decades, would hold healing for my soul all these years later?
Who but YOU could tell me that very morning, out of the blue,
Jan, today is the day to start going through those treasures you have had piled up for years — TODAY!
Wow! Yes, Lord!
And so I began.
Who knew but YOU that upheaval of a very dark kind would come to my soul that very night…
Read MoreChristianity is a PERSON, not a procedure; the LORD, not a list! Not church attendance, not Christ-like qualities, not good works, not the Christian "to-do list" (which may vary depending on the group and "camp" you are in)...
Not evangelism, not mission trips, not a quality "quiet time," not Scripture memorization or Bible study...
Not spiritual disciplines, not prayer, not fasting, not obedience, not miracle-working faith...
Read MoreIf I want to keep my relationship with Jesus strong I need to keep the lines of communication open. We speak to God through prayer and He speaks to us through His Word and through the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes it can seem like a chore, however, so I’m always looking for ways to keep the Bible “living and active”.
I discovered a fun Bible last year. It’s called The ESV Journaling Bible. It has room on the sides to write notes or to draw or paint. I’ve always enjoyed drawing and painting as a hobby so what better way to elevate God’s Word!
Read MoreGod lives a colorful life . . . or maybe better said, God lives His life in color!
All we need do is look around. Color is everywhere . . . in nature, in people, even in feelings, ideas, and circumstances.
But as Christians, who embrace a color-loving God who gives us fullness of life through the indwelling Spirit, we most often live inwardly in colors muted and shaded and not alive.
Why is that, I wonder?
Read MoreJanet Renner Loyd has been a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ most of her life. Her formal education includes a degree in education from the University of Arizona and also a degree in Bible & Theology from Moody Bible Institute. For more than thirty years, she has been involved in teaching and leading women’s Bible studies, retreats, and meetings…most notably Precept upon Precept and various studies that she has personally developed. Professionally, Jan recently retired from teaching language and writing to GED and adult ESOL students.
About her life, Jan says, “The most important thing about me is my relationship with my Father God through my Lord Jesus Christ. I am forever grateful to Him for His love, mercy, and grace to me and my family and friends...and the world.”
Jan has been happily married to John Loyd for more than forty years. They have two adult, married children and five lively young grandsons.