Waking Thoughts

Waking Thoughts

I pay attention to my waking thoughts.

Ever since I discovered a poem by George MacDonald, tucked away in an old notebook on my husband’s shelf, my waking thoughts have been captured and inspired by God’s Wind-Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God. I have invited Him to do that.

Otherwise, my waking thoughts were being filled with the anxieties of life, the trap of the flesh aided by the enemy of my soul. . .

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Let Me Get Home Before Dark

Let Me Get Home Before Dark

Hebrews 12:1-3 NLT

The imagery of the race as a picture of the Christian life on this earth has always held fascination for me. And finishing the race without pooping out is my heart’s desire . . . and more and more as I get older.

I get tired and so I grab hold of my God daily at a slower pace. But still I grab! Otherwise, would I end up not living from who I really am in Christ?

A spiritual father of mine, who is approaching his 90th year of life on this earth, shared this poem with me recently. He said that it is his prayer to make it to “the finish line” faithful to his God.

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A Time to Live & a Time to Die: Reflections on Time & Eternity

A Time to Live & a Time to Die: Reflections on Time & Eternity

For everything there is a season,
    a time for every activity under heaven.
    A time to be born and a time to die...
    A time to grieve and a time to dance.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a,4a (NLT)

Time, that fleeting commodity that holds us while on this earth! Yet, we can't hold onto it! And for all of us, time is ticking away. We are closer to the end of our earthly journey every second that we live.

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A Love Song to Jesus

A Love Song to Jesus

When my husband John and I were seniors at the University of Arizona, the Carpenters were at the top of the music charts.   We embraced them as our group who sang our songs as we were "a-courting."  Their mellow sound and rich melodies fed our romantic feelings toward each other and toward life in general. At our wedding, we danced to, you may have guessed it, "We've Only Just Begun." Lyrics like "White lace and promises, a kiss for luck and we're on our way" made it the perfect song to start out a new marriage...or so we thought.

But as the years have rolled by and reality and maturity have set in, so has the realization that the romantic expectations of youth are so unrealistic and can only truly be fulfilled by an Almighty God.

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Celebrating Cancer Survivors and a Son, 22 Years Cancer-free

Celebrating Cancer Survivors and a Son, 22 Years Cancer-free

Today I’m celebrating Cancer Survivors, those brave but suffering souls who have battled and prayed and cried and begged and pushed through . . . or maybe who have suffered in silence and pushed through inspite of it all. All were scared and maybe still are.

I’m celebrating the loved ones who suffered alongside and didn’t run away from the “not knowing” . . . who cried and prayed and begged and never gave up….

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WE ARE FA-MI-LY -- on my way to the Villages

WE ARE FA-MI-LY -- on my way to the Villages

♥We are fa-mi-ly...my mother, brothers, sisters, and me!

They have left our beloved New Jersey (home of the famous Jersey shore and my favorite sunrises over the ocean) and have gone over to the “dark side” a.k.a. Florida!

So A Branch in the Vine will be taking a break for a while.

But before I do,  I would like to share a post from 2012, after one of our special times together at Nancy's home in Belmar, New Jersey. So may I introduce you to these precious folks who have beckoned me back to New Jersey again and again . . . and now to Florida.

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Almost a Flash mob . . . Just for Fun in the Journey

Almost a Flash mob . . . Just for Fun in the Journey

Just for fun as we close out January and some gray days in OHIO, I just have to post this — an almost “flash mob” at my very own Kroger. But by doing so, I’m departing from my “rule” that everything that I post on A Branch in the Vine MUST have a spiritual theme or application.

Well, since everything is spiritual for a child of God, I guess I’m not really “breaking my rule,” am I? So here it is and enjoy with me. I dare you to not at least tap your foot or hum along.

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Life in the Spirit . . . The Dance in the Journey

Life in the Spirit . . . The Dance in the Journey

Life, glorious life!  How we take life for granted, until...

someone we love dies,

our health or safety is gravely threatened,

we realize our days are waning because of the years...

It is then that we value what we've had all along.

But there's a Life that we never need fear will diminish, be endangered, be lost...

In fact, this Life can grow in our experience even in this time-based, fearful, waning physical life.

What is this Life?

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The "Ghost" Inside of Me . . . My Indwelling Hero in the Journey

The "Ghost" Inside of Me . . . My Indwelling Hero in the Journey

To follow up the last post on our Hero — the Holy Spirit — I remembered this amazing song. Even my young grandson William started to “get it” as we sang it last Halloween.

You and I are never alone, my journeying friend. Let’s enjoy Him and His Presence . . . no matter what!

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The Holy Spirit of God . . . Our Hero in the Journey

The Holy Spirit of God . . . Our Hero in the Journey

Bullies don't often give up. They just look for another opportunity in a different place of vulnerability, changing tactics and catching the victim off-guard.

And so true to form, the Bully didn't take long to regroup and sneak up on me in another situation. It sent me into a tailspin of emotion...trying to choke back tears and keep on doing life. But thankfully, my Hero, the Holy Spirit of Christ broke through the emotional cloud I was churning in.

"Ok Jan. Resist! Stand! Say NO! Remember that? Now look at the entire passage and park yourself there."

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The Bully . . . Our Enemy in the Journey

The Bully . . . Our Enemy in the Journey

God’s children are being attacked left and right. Some of us are stuck. Some feel worthless. Some are walking through the trials of our lives, believing that God is against us.

Why, God?

You can be sure that when God is doing something in our lives, the devil is always helping the weakness of our flesh to draw us in the opposite direction.

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Every Praise . . . Joy in the Journey

Every Praise . . . Joy in the Journey

Did you know that praise and thanksgiving to God about everything, everyday can change your perspective on your life. Why? Because HE is our God, our Source. And HE IS WORTHY of every praise and thanksgiving.

Why not begin right here until it becomes the habit of your soul....EVERY PRAISE is to our GOD! Amen!

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Christ In You . . . JOY in the Journey

Christ In You . . . JOY in the Journey

!’ve been feeling a bit low lately, and I don’t know why. You too? No matter, our Abba Father God loves us anyway, no matter how we feel . . . no matter how depressed, no matter how dark, no matter how ugly.

And so I prayed this morning,

Good morning, LORD

I’m feeling a bit low this morning, and I don’t know why, Lord. But I will trust You to be the Joy and the Strength of my fluctuating soul.

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An Encouraging Friend . . . Fruitfulness in the Journey

 An Encouraging Friend . . . Fruitfulness in the Journey

I had to giggle. . . it sounded like Peggy was basically telling me to “Suck it up, Jan,” despite my vertigo and dizziness.

And the Holy Spirit whispered His encouragement and His own “Suck it up” to me:

If Peggy can keep on painting at 88 years of age, despite her health issues, you can keep on writing!”

Yes, my darling friend Peggy is 88 years old and still painting. So let me share a few of her gems with you:

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Abandoned to ?????? in 2020

Abandoned to ?????? in 2020

. . . The whole time I was jealous. The joy on their little faces! The freedom! The abandonment! To freely give their physical selves over in total trust to those foam blocks to “save” them. WOW! Something like that has never been easy for me, and still isn’t.

But like most things in our physical, human existence on this earth, this abandonment and resulting joy is a picture, a metaphor. And I can get the metaphor: Just as my grandchildren joyfully abandoned themselves to “the jump,” so I day by day, abandon myself to the LORD, Who is my total security and trust!.

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Reflections on the MAGI: the Blindness of Biblical Literacy Alone

Reflections on the MAGI: the Blindness of Biblical Literacy Alone

. . . The Gentile seekers were led to Jerusalem by a celestial phenomenon, the star. They were not experts in the Scriptures, but they were driven to learn more about what God was doing in their day. And they undertook an arduous journey that probably took months to find the answer to their question.
Israel’s wise men knew the Scripture, yet they were not motivated to find out for themselves what God had done. They weren’t motivated enough to travel five miles to Bethlehem to see for themselves.
I love the Scripture, I’ve known the Scripture since I was a small boy. But I understand that Bible knowledge alone cannot generate spiritual vitality. . .

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